Leverage An Ebook to Grow Your Business

And Quickly Build A Large Database

of Raving Fans

Discover the power of having a professional Ebook as a stunning

lead magnet to build a massive and strong community of buyers

who are hungry for your content.

Step 1Contact Info
Step 2Your Billing Info


As a Speaker, Consultant, Leader, or Coach, you already know that you need to be a published author

That is, if you want to be viewed and respected as the authority in your space. There’s enough overwhelming evidence to support the fact that the leaders in your profession have one thing in common – they are all published authors. Furthermore, they all used their books to leverage themselves in the marketplace as the authorities in their respective niches.

What about you? Are you ready to unleash the author within you? Perhaps the timing isn’t right for you to write a complete book today, however, professionally publishing a high-quality Ebook can be a very effective solution for you.

I’m sure you have a great story to tell, or you’re an expert in your field and you want to share your knowledge with the world. Whatever your reason, publishing is a great way to make a huge impact on others while making a huge impact on your businesses bottom line.

The secret is out: Writing a great book can take some time.

Although I doubt that fact was ever a real secret. It’s likely the reason why you haven’t published your book already. Trying to organize your thoughts for a well-written book that consists of at least 35,000 words is a daunting task for most people. However, writing a great Ebook can be the perfect alternative and it only takes a fraction of the time to complete! We’re seeing professionals write their Ebooks in as little as two to three weeks using our proven system!

Discover The Simplicity Of Publishing A High-Quality Ebook

Introducing The Solution For Ebook Creation

As a published author, you will be able to leverage your book to increase your credibility and impact.

As your credibility and impact increase, so will your income and you will soon find yourself in high demand from organizations and corporations around the world!

Here are just a few ways that you can leverage your book to
increase your influence:

  • Build a community of your ideal buyers. Only people who are interested in what you have to say will get a copy of your Ebook and collectively, those individuals will form a community of people who like you and want more of your products and services.

  • Add to your product line. Whether this Ebook is your first product or one hundredth first, your Ebook will be another item for your customers to add to their shopping carts whether online or in-person.

  • Increase perceived value. As a professional, you already know that value is in the perception of the customer. Adding an Ebook to your business’s overall presentation will significantly increase the value of your business in the minds of your customers.

  • Ad-ons. An Ebook is a great ad-on to anything you are selling. When you add your Ebook to your other products or services, you can now close your prospects much quicker because the value of the offer outweighs the investment.

  • Increase PR. Having your professionally published Ebook in-hand, you will receive more invites to be a featured guest or speaker on radio, podcasts, and television as well as be featured in newspapers and magazines.

  • Social media content. You can repurpose the content in your Ebook for your social media channels.

  • Blog posts. Instead of losing time trying to figure out what to write about in your blog posts, you can easily refer to your Ebook for content to expound upon.

The first step to selling books is building an audience of raving fans. Surprise! It’s true, most people start in the wrong place. Where do you think most people start when writing a book? The most popular wrong place I see professionals wanting to start is with their book title. Do not
make the same mistake. Start with identifying your target audience (who do you want to impact) and knowing where to find them, that way you’ll be able to lead them to your products and services and they’ll be begging you to sell to them instead of you begging them to buy from you.

Discover The Simplicity Of Publishing A High-Quality Ebook

Implement these 4 simple steps for optimal results

  • Identify your target audience. Who are you writing for? What are their interests? What are their pain points?

  • Research your target audience. Once you know who you're writing for, you need to research them. This will help you understand their needs and wants.

  • Create content that appeals to your target audience. When you're marketing your Ebook, make sure you're creating content that appeals to your target audience. This could include blog posts, articles, social media posts, and more.

  • Use the right marketing channels. There are a number of different marketing channels that you can use to reach your target audience. Choose the channels that your target audience is most likely to use.

Do you know what’s the best way to curate a large audience of your ideal readers?

Through the effective use of a powerful lead magnet. The only problem is determining which lead magnet to use. Here’s some great news; the most effective lead magnet that you can use is a professionally crafted Ebook!

EPW Has Already Helped Many Other Professionals Like Yourself Publish A Stunning Ebook That Converts Leads Into Sales. Get EPW, The Ebook Experts, On Your Side Today.

Why are Ebooks the #1 selected lead magnet by Speakers,
Consultants, Leaders, and Coaches?

It’s quite simple. An Ebook is a very effective way to qualify your audience. When someone clicks on your link to get a copy of your Ebook, it’s very clear that they have an interest in the subject matter your Ebook covers. Assuming that you are marketing with ethics and not recklessly
using click bait, the only people who will raise their hands to get a copy of your Ebook are those who want more information about the topic you are speaking on in your Ebook.

Furthermore, in order for them to receive a copy of your Ebook, they will need to respond to some call to action. I’ll cover this more later.

At EPW, you have two options when it comes to writing your Ebook:

  • Option #1: DIY

  • Option #2: DFY

With our DIY option, you are able to write your own content for your Ebook. You simply submit your content to us when you are ready for us to begin working on it and we will take it from there.

One major pro to using our “Do It Yourself” (DIY) service is that you are able to write from your own experiences, knowledge, understanding, and expertise. The major con to using our DIY service is that you will need to discipline yourself to sit and write your content. However, if writing is something that flows freely and easily for you, this won’t be an issue.

If our DIY service doesn't appeal to you, with our DFY option, you simply let us know what the subject matter of your Ebook is along with any other relevant information we will need to know, and we will write it for you.

One major pro to using our “Done For You” (DFY) service is that you free up your time to be able to focus on other aspects of your business and life that require your attention. The major con to using our DFY service is that it will most likely lack your personal stories, understanding, experiences, and knowledge. However, that can be remedied at the time you review your manuscript. At that time, you will have the opportunity to insert some of your personal details into your Ebook.

Should you choose our DIY option, here are 4 tips for writing a great Ebook:

  • Choose a topic that you're passionate about. This will make the writing process more enjoyable, and it will show in your writing.

  • Do your research. Make sure you know your subject inside and out. This will give you the credibility you need to write a convincing Ebook.

  • Write in a clear and concise style. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your readers won't understand.

  • Edit and proofread your work carefully. Typos and grammatical errors will make your Ebook look unprofessional.

Be One Of The First 100 To Secure A Spot In Our Production Queue And

You Will Immediately Receive These FREE BONUSES

Bonus #1

5 Secrets For Effective Writing

When it comes to writing your book, you don't just want to write a book, you want to write a bestseller. Let me clarify. Your primary goal in writing a book probably isn't to get on bestseller lists, however, when we think about a bestseller book, we think of a book that's well written and effective in communicating its message. This Ebook will help you to write a high-quality book that will easily rival any other book on a bestseller list.

Bonus #2

Top 5 Secrets For Getting Started Writing Your Book

In this Ebook, I cover my 4-M System that has made me famous among entrepreneurs. This has been an absolute game-changer for business owners across the United States. I also cover the four of the biggest secrets in book publishing with you. These secrets have helped our authors successfully publish their books effortlessly and on time.

Bonus #3

Think You're Ready to Write Your Book?

In this Ebook, we cover the entire writing process from beginning to end and I simplify it in three parts. We will also cover the most common FAQ that I've received as a publisher and I give my straight-talk answer to it. Finally, we tackle one of the most important subjects for our authors - R.O.I. You should be expecting a return on your investment but what's realistic when it comes to amount and time?

What Are Your Next Steps After Completing Your Ebook?

Once you've written a great Ebook (or had our team ghostwrite a great Ebook for you), it's time to get it published. Because publishing an Ebook is quite different from publishing a physical book, the process is much quicker. There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Online store: You can elect to make your Ebook available for resale in an online shopping experience such as Shopify, Gum Road, and the many other options that are available to you.

  • Website: You may want to have your Ebook accessible to customers exclusively through your website. You can sell it directly from your website to customers for whatever price you deem fair and reasonable.

  • FREE plus data: You can make your Ebook available for FREE to anyone who is willing to give you their contact information in exchange. We call this information data, and it is the #1 most valuable asset for businesses today.

After your Ebook is published, it's time to start marketing it. What makes marketing effective is having a clear and compelling call to action. There are a number of different ways to market your Ebook, including:

  • Social media/audio: Social media/audio is a great way to connect with potential readers and promote your book. Create accounts on popular social media platforms and share content about your Ebook regularly. Some of the most successful platforms for promoting Ebooks include but are not limited to LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Clubhouse.

  • Networking events: Networking events are a great way to meet potential readers and sell books in person. Contact your local chamber of commerce, bookstores, Toastmasters clubs, etc and see if they're hosting any networking events soon.

  • Publicity: Get the word out about your Ebook by contacting local media outlets and pitching yourself as a guest on their shows.

  • Online advertising: You can use online advertising to reach a wider audience and promote your Ebook. There are a number of different online advertising platforms that you can use, such as Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, to name a couple.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Secure Your Spot Now
Before It’s Too Late

Now it’s time for you to find out why EPW is the go-to publishing company, trusted by Speakers, Consultants, Leaders, and Coaches.

When it comes to Ebooks, we are the experts and it’s no wonder why. We’re an experienced team of professionals who have published nearly 100 authors in the past four years. We have successfully helped many of our authors become bestsellers and get massive media coverage for their books.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to get your Ebook professionally published, then click the button below or at the top of this page right now to secure your spot in our production queue.

This is a limited time offer. Spots are filling up fast! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Here are a couple more testimonials:

"I was so nervous about getting my Ebook published, but the team at EPW made the process so easy and stress-free. They were always available to answer my questions and offer guidance. I'm so grateful for their help in getting my book into the hands of my target audience." - Brandon

"I had no idea what I was doing when I first started writing my Ebook. I was so grateful for the help of the team at EPW. They helped me develop my Ebook’s outline and structure. I was finally able to complete my Ebook – something I had been trying to accomplish for over a year. I couldn't have done it without them." - Vanessa